Oliver Kaus
Oliver Kaus
Creator of this blog.
Nov 10, 2021 2 min read

πŸŽΎπŸ” Tennalytix (1/5): Introduction Into My Tennis Analytics Project

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In my master thesis project at Imperial, I worked with tennis tracking data of professional players that was not publicly available. Analytics in tennis was lacking behind compared to other sports due to limited data access. My strong believe was and is still that one can generate more insights from tracking data in tennis than one can do in other sports. In this personal side project, my goal was to create 3d tracking data based on 2d Youtube Videos to then analyse the data.

Series Overview

This is the first blog post of a series of blog posts in which I describe how I tracked ball and player coordinates, processed the data into 3d tracking data and created a dashboard using Dash to surface the results.

This blog post series contains the following parts:


The project required a lot of time next to work and was technically challenging. However, in the end, it was totally worth it. I increased my computer science as well as Data Science knowledge in so many different ways and encourage everybody to start a side passion project.